All Living Things
Review of “Living Things” at the Vangi Sculpture Garden in Shizuoka, Japan in 2016, with photos as the main focus.
Event overview
- All Living Things
- 24.7.2016 – 29.11.2016 (viewing date 20.8.2016)
- Vangi Sculpture Garden
- Yusuke Asai, Koji Arai (Eatable of Many Orders), Reiko Ikemura, Masato Kobayashi, Keijiro Kan, Yuko Someya, Masakatsu Takagi, Michiko Nakaya, Daisuke Nishijima, Masaya Hashimoto, Atsuhiko Misawa, Manabu Miyazaki, Miroko Machiko, Yuko Murata
- Special Site
- The exhibition was held with a well-balanced and diverse lineup of veteran, mid-career, and young artists.
- Many of the authors whose names are listed here are still active in the 2020s.
- This exhibition was held only at Clematis Hill/Vangi Sculpture Garden and did not travel to other museums.
My fragment of memory
- On the day I visited, Clematis Hill/Vangi Sculpture Garden was open at night, and I was able to enjoy the various expressions of the works under the contrasting light of the bright daytime and dim nighttime views.
- I stayed there from noon and ate dinner at the now-defunct restaurant CIAO CIAO, which was so delicious I ended up eating a little too much.
- The Vangi Sculpture Garden, which is currently closed, is holding many wonderful exhibitions in addition to this one, and I have visited the museum for every special exhibition, so I am looking forward to its reopening.
- As of 2024, there is no prospect of reopening the museum, and it appears that it will be closed. It is a shame that this museum, which has been such a valuable place for so many contemporary writers, will be closed.
Photographic Equipment
- 2024.03.16
- 2023.07.21
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