Fujifilm-based Leica compact digital camera DIGILUX 4.3

The fusion of Fujifilm and Leica

A reviews and photo examples of the LEICA DIGILUX 4.3

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The LEICA DIGILUX 4.3 is a compact digital camera released in 2000 that has a Leica-customized appearance and startup screen based on the FUJIFILM FinePix 4700Z.

The main specifications are as follows, and detailed specifications are listed in the table.

  • Sensor pixel count: 2.4 megapixels
  • Sensor type: 1/1.7-inch Super CCD Honeycomb
  • 35mm equivalent focal length: 36mm to 108mm
  • Aperture value: F2.8 to F4.5
  • Recording media: SmartMedia
  • Battery: 2 x AA batteries


The focal length is 36mm to 108mm, a 3x zoom, with the wide-angle end at 36mm, giving it the feel of an old digital camera. The aperture is automatically switched between F2.8 and F4.5, with only two aperture values. This was not the era when cameras were equipped with image stabilization, so you need to be careful of camera shake when it gets a little dark.

The lens does not correct distortion very well, and this was before software correction was actively used in compact digital cameras, so there are focal lengths where distortion is noticeable in JPEG images.

The customization from the FUJIFILM-FinePix4700Z is limited to the exterior, so the color and taste of the captured images remain the rich nature of FUJIFILM, and it does not feel like the camera is actively involved in the creation of the image.

The taste is different from LEICA-manufactured compact digital cameras such as the LEICA X1.

If you buy a used camera with a SmartMedia card, it’s not too hard if it came with the camera, but if you don’t have one, you’ll need to look for one on the used market, and be careful because SmartMedia cards on the used market can be expensive.

I bought this camera used, but unfortunately, on the third day after I got it, it developed a lens shutter problem, which is common with this camera, and the lens could no longer be stored in the camera. Since the manufacturer’s warranty had already expired, the camera was taken back by the place I bought it from and I was given a refund.

In general, the gears on the retractable lenses of old Fujifilm compact digital cameras tend to break easily. I have used several old Fujifilm compact digital cameras, but as I used them more frequently, they would give me an error that the lens could not be retracted and break down. Panasonic and Sony also have lenses with similar mechanisms, but they never break down to this extent.

The opening screen when you turn the camera on is Leica custom, but the camera itself is still FUJIFILM, and if you have used a compact digital camera from the same company, you will have no trouble using it. The red badge on the outside looks like it was placed in an empty space, so it stands out.

3.Add info.

This will be the last camera body I will procure from FUJIFILM. As with previous models, this camera was preceded by the DIGILUX Zoom and DIGILUX.

The zoom lens appears to be reused from the DIGILUX ZOOM, and since the sensor size of the DIGILUX 4.3 is slightly larger, it is closer to wide-angle in 35mm format.

Like the DIGILUX, this model runs on two AA batteries so is easy to obtain. Only the DIGILIUX Zoom uses an NP-80 lithium-ion battery.


Camera effective pixel count2.4 million pixelsJPEG can be output at 4 million pixels through internal processing
Lens6elements in 6groupsx3 Zoom
Focal length8.3 mm~24.9mm35mm camera equivalent: 36-108mm equivalent
Image sensor 1/1.7 CCD honeycomb sensor
Back LCD2 inch low temperature polysilicon
TFT color LCD monitor
130,000 pixels
View FinderEquipped with optical viewfinder
Shutter speed3 seconds to 1/2000 seconds
(combined with mechanical shutter)
Recorded mediaSmart media3.3V
Battery2 AA type
SizeW x H x D 78× 97.5× 32.9
Weight(g)310(Main unit + battery + recording media)

Successive models

Camera effective pixel count1.5 million pixels1.5 million pixels2.4 million pixels
Focal length (35mm equivalent)35mm38〜114mm36~108mm
Sensor size1/21/2.21/1.7
Back LCD2 inch 110,000 pixels2 inch 130,000 pixels2 inch 130,000 pixels
Battery2 AA typeNP-802 AA type
Recorded mediaSmart media
Release date1998.10.161999.2000.9
Size80 x 101 x 33 mm79 x 98 x 33 mm78 × 97.5 × 32.9 mm
Weight(Only body)245g230g255g
OEM model nameFinePix 700FinePix 1700ZFinePix 4700Z

Reference links

Update history

  • 2025.3.26
  • 2024.02.19




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