Leave the 21mm to other companies (2)

A review and Photo example of the SUPER ANGULON R 21mm F4.

Table of contents


  • Photo example used with Leica SL Typ601



The Leica R-mount wide-angle lens, Super-Angulon R 21mm F4, was produced in approximately 11,000 units between 1971 and 1983.

There are two types of Super-Angulon R mount: an older model with a maximum aperture of F3.4 and almost the same lens configuration as the M-type, and a newer model with a maximum aperture of F4 and a retrofocus type.

It is a retrofocus model with 10 elements in 8 groups and 4 aperture blades. Because they have been manufactured for a long time, the appearance varies slightly depending on the year, but the lens configuration is the same for all of them, and they were designed by Schneider of Germany.


The Super-Angulon F4 version has a minimum shooting distance of 20cm, so it can get close to the subject depending on its focal length, and has four aperture blades, giving it the unique Schneider lens character.

Due to the age of the design, there is barrel distortion, which can be noticeable when shooting straight objects. When I compared it to the 21mm of my Vario-Elmar 21-35mm zoom lens, the Super-Angulon 21mm F4 has a better minimum shooting distance, but the Vario-Elmar is superior in terms of overall depiction, including peripheral resolution.

I got rid of the Super-Angulon. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos of the lens when I owned it, so I don’t have any photos of its exterior.

This lens is sometimes listed on eBay as a ROM-modified version, but I have no use for it, so I put up with it.

3.Add info.

I have introduced the old Super-Angulon separately, but because the rear lens element is close to the sensor, it is necessary to use the mirror up when using it with a SLR camera, so it was not a very practical lens.

Also, when used with a mirrorless digital camera, the rear lens element gets quite close to the sensor, so with certain models that use 35mm full-frame sensors, there is a high possibility of color casts occurring on the edges of the image, making it difficult to use.


ItemF3.4 Ver.F4 verVARIO ELMAR
focal length(mm)212121-35
Maximum aperture3.443.5-4
Minimum aperture222222
Lens configuration8elements in 4groups10elements in 8groups9elements in 8groups
Leaf blade446
Minimum distance(m)
Lens length(mm)1943.566.3
Lens max diameter(mm)707875
Filter diameter(mm)Series 8E72 or Series 8.567
Lens Hood14170W12506
14145(Forent Cap)
Production numbers1,530-10,850-3,400
Release date1964-19681971-19832001-

Reference links

Update history

  • 2025.1.11
  • 2024.02.24
  • 2022.10.04

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