HASSELBLAD HCD f4-5.6 35-90mm

The second zoom lens in the H series

A review and photo of the HASSELBLAD HCD 35-90mm F4-5.6.

Table of Contents



HASSELBLAD HCD 35-90mm Orange dot mark.


The Hasselblad HCD 35-90mm F4-5.6 is the third lens I have purchased for my X-series camera. I bought it second-hand, but when I attached it to the camera and checked the shutter count, it was almost brand new, having only been used three times.

When used with the X1DII and X2D, the autofocus (AF) focusing speed is standard for HC and HCD lenses, and once you get the hang of the AF operation, you can focus at the position you want.
The minimum shooting distance is 65cm throughout the entire focal range, so it gives the impression that you can get closer to the subject at focal lengths of 50mm or more. You can also use an extension tube if you want to get even closer.
The lens alone weighs 1.4kg, which is heavy, and when used as a camera system it weighs nearly 3kg, but perhaps because it is well balanced when attached to the camera, it is not too difficult to use for long periods of time.

The lens comes with a metal hood, but it is rarely attached because it is sufficiently resistant to backlight even without the hood. This backlight resistance and the 1/2000 lens shutter make it useful for outdoor photography. However, the lens itself is large, so it can be very conspicuous depending on where you take it.

2.About lens

The HCD 35-90mm F4-5.6 is a zoom lens for Hasselblad H-series cameras, and as the name suggests, it covers focal lengths from 35mm to 90mm.
It is an inner focus, inner zoom lens, so the lens length does not change with focal length or focus position when zooming or focusing.

Because it is an HCD lens series, the sensor size is optimized for a 48 x 36mm sensor; for larger sensors (53.7 x 40.2mm), the image circle of the lens is insufficient, resulting in vignetting at the edges.
Lenses with an orange dot have a central shutter with a maximum speed of 1/2000, while unbranded lenses have a central shutter of 1/800.

This lens can be used with the X1D (4116 edition), X1DII, X2D, and X907 via the XH Lens Adapter or XH CONVERTER 0.8. The focal length in 35mm format will vary depending on the adapter used. When using the XH Lens Adapter, the focal length is 28mm to 72mm, and when using the XH CONVERTER 0.8, the focal length is 23.3mm to 56mm.

When shooting with the XH CONVERTER 0.8, the image circle of the lens is insufficient, causing some vignetting at the periphery. The dedicated shooting and development software Phocus automatically crops the periphery.

You can also check the full-size image before cropping by selecting [Uncrop] from the image menu in Phocus.

This lens is a zoom lens that is compatible with the Leica genuine mount adapter S-Adapter H for using HC/HCD lenses with the Leica S series, and has a focal length equivalent to 28mm to 72mm in 35mm format.

Fujifilm’s GFX series allows you to use H series lenses with manual focus when used with the FUJIFILM genuine H MOUNT ADAPTER G.

3.Accessory Compatibility

  • Extension-Tube-H (H13/H26/H52) can be used (not mentioned in the data sheet of the extension tube, but can be used on the X1D/X1DII).
  • Converter 1.7x (x1.7 teleconverter) cannot be used.
  • HTS 1.5 TILT AND SHIFT ADAPTER cannot be used.
  • Image circle does not cover medium format film (41.5 x 56mm).

4.AF support

There are several conditions to attach HC/HCD series lenses to X1D, X1DII, X2D, and 907X via a mount adapter (X H Lens Adapter, XH CONVERTER 0.8) to drive auto focus (hereinafter referred to as AF).

The most important thing is the lens firmware. If the lens firmware cannot be updated to 19.1.0, AF will not work.

In order to update to lens firmware 19.1.0, the lens must have firmware 18.0.0 or later.

  1. All lenses with an orange dot are capable of AF.
    • However, AF does not work on the HC120 and HC120-II. This is a lens limitation imposed by Hasselblad.
  2. For non-orange dot lenses, it’s a bit more complicated.
    • If AF is possible
      • Lens with lens firmware 18.0.0 or later.
      • Lenses from 2010 or later with serial numbers starting with V and firmware 18.0.0 or later.
    • When AF is not possible
      • Lens with lens firmware earlier than 17.0.0.
      • Lenses manufactured before 2010 with serial numbers starting with S.
      • Fujinon brand lens.

5.About FUJINON lens

  • The HCD 35-90mm lens probably doesn’t exist as I have never seen the Fujinon brand on the market.

Specification and Competitor

Lens nameCONTAX
focal length(mm)45.9〜87.536.3〜8730〜90
Maximum aperture4.54.5(5.6)3.5(5.6)
Minimum aperture323232
Lens configuration10groups 12elements11groups 13elements11groups 14elements
Minimum distance(m)0.50.650.65
Lens length(mm)115167113.5
Lens max diameter(mm)102102.5101
Filter diameter(mm)959595
Release date20022016(New ver.)2012
HCD 4-5,6/35-90 ASPHERICAL lens specification PDF

HCD35-90mm lens configuration diagram (taken from the official Hasselblad page)

VARIO SONNAR 45-90mm lens construction diagram (taken from the official ZEISS page)

Reference links

Update history

  • 2024.9.1
  • 2024.03.23
  • 2022.02.12

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4 Responses

  1. hi – thanks for all your input. How do you recognize an orange dot lens?

  2. Here is the answer to your question.
    To distinguish by appearance, an orange square mark on the lens body is an orange dot lens.
    I have added a photo of the orange dot mark to this page.
    Functionally, the lenses are distinguished by a shutter speed of 1/2000 and firmware version 18.0 or later.
    I do not think lenses with a shutter speed of 1/800 to be orange-dot lenses, even if the firmware is 18.0 or later.

  3. Will the orange dot hasselblad hcd 35-90mm f/4-5.6 work with any X1D? It will still AF via the XH adaptor will it not?

  4. Dear Edward-san.

    Yes, it can be used with all X-series cameras.
    I have used the orange dot HCD35-90 with the X1D, X1D2 and X2D.
    AF can be used via the XH adapter.
    However, you will need to update the lens firmware to 19.1.
    The orange dot HCD35-90 can be updated to firmware 19.1.
    If the AF does not work, it is best to contact Hasselblad support.


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