Ms-optics APOQUALIA 3.5/50

Review and Photo example of the APOQUALIA-H 50mm F3.5 (MS-Optics / Miyazaki kogaku).

Table of contents


  • Sample photos taken with the Leica M8.2 and EPSON R-D1xG.


Apoqualia 50mm F3.5 is the second original lens from Ms-optics (Miyazaki Optical), and is a standard lens with a focal length of 50mm that uses the Heliar format in its lens construction.
Although this lens is Apoqualia brand, it does not have the bright characteristics of lenses released after this. Additionally, MS-MODE-AH (possibly an abbreviation for APO-HELIAR) is engraved on the nameplate of the lens.

The first lens released by Ms-optics was a Sonnar type lens with a focal length of 50mm and an aperture of F1.3, making it an ambitious lens that would appeal to large aperture enthusiasts. I remember my father at the camera shop who was selling this lens lamenting, “This is a spec that won’t sell very well.”

This lens has been released in small numbers and is rarely seen on the market, but since it is not a bright lens at F3.5, it provides sharp images even at maximum aperture, and the front and back blurs are beautiful. A lightweight and compact lens suitable for snapshots. In addition to the Leica M8 and Epson R-D1, which I still have on hand and used as examples, I also use film cameras and digital Leica M cameras for photography.

As of 2024, the XENOMAX 50mm F3.5 with the same specs has better performance. The size is almost the same as this lens, so if you are not particular about the lens format, it may be easier to obtain.

In 2001, Cosina released a Heliar-style lens with the same specs under the Voigtlander brand to commemorate Heliar’s 101st anniversary, so it is unclear why Mr. Miyazaki was conscious of this. This is the only Heliar type lens from Ms-optics, and many Sonnar and Gauss type lenses will be released after that.

Cosina continued to increase the diameter of its Heliar type lenses and released the Heliar 50mm F2 in 2007. In 2021, they will release the Heliar 50mm F1.5 large-diameter lens with a lens configuration of 6 elements in 3 groups.


focal length(mm)51.6
Maximum aperture3.5
Minimum aperture22
Lens configuration3groups 5elementsHeliar-type
Leaf blade10
Minimum distance(m)0.8
Lens length(mm)38Distance form mount frange
Lens max diameter(mm)49
Filter diameter(mm)30.5
Weight(g)105with L/M mount adapter
Release dateYear 2010
List price(Yen)65,000

Comparison with Competitive Lenses

50mm F2 VM
HELAIR classic
50mm F1.5 VM
Leaf blade12101010
Min distance(m)
Lens length(mm)3843.241.9
HELAIR type lens specification

Reference links

Update history

  • 2024.03.10:Update article
  • 2022.06.01:First draft

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