Ms-Optics PERAR 28mm

The second in the triplet series

A review and Photo example of the PERAR 28mm F4.

Table of contents


  • Sample photos taken with the Leica M6 +Fujifilm 100.



The PERAR 28mm F4 is the fourth lens released by Ms-optics, and the second wide-angle lens in the triplet series.

As the word SUPER TRIPLE on the lens indicates, the lens is a triplet of three elements in three groups. Ms-optics gives the name PERAR to its triplet series.

The lens is 9mm thick and the barrel has a gently sloping mountain shape.

The minimum shooting distance is 0.8m, which is almost the same as the rangefinder coupling range of a typical rangefinder camera.
A 19mm filter is screwed into the hood.


The compact lens is a feature of the Pela series, and it is a lens that suits small body volumes such as the MINOLTA CLE film camera, the SONY NEX series digital camera, and the LUMIX GM5.

Although it is a very compact lens, there is no problem with operability, and the focus can be adjusted smoothly by sliding the focus lever at the bottom of the lens barrel. The aperture is located at the front of the lens barrel, so it can be changed by turning the hood attached there. There are no click stops on the aperture, so the exact aperture value must be confirmed visually.

For APSC-C size sensors, the focal length is 35mm equivalent, which is close to the diagonal distance of 35mm for 35mm film, and the angle of view is close to the human field of view. For Micro Four Thirds, the focal length is 56mm, which is slightly longer than a standard lens, making it insufficient as a wide-angle lens.

The advantage of using a small sensor is that it can forcibly cut out the image flow caused by the curvature of field at the periphery, which is a weakness of triplet lenses.


There are many 28mm prime lenses available for rangefinder cameras, and it is a focal length with a wide variety of unique lenses.

I have used countless 28mm lenses, including the RICOH GR 28mm, MINOLTA G-Rokkor 28mm, LEICA SUMMICRON 28mm, Orion15, HEKTOR 28mm, HEXANON 28mm, Summaron 28mm, and ELMARIT-M28mm, and if I include lenses for single-lens reflex cameras, I have used even more 28mm prime lenses.

Among them, I really like the Pela 28mm because it is compact, has a clear depiction with three elements, and has little image distortion.

The PERAR series from Ms-optics consists of three elements in three groups and consists of four lenses, including this lens; the PERAR-35mm F3.5, PERAR-24mm F4, and PERAR21mm F4.5; all of which are wide-angle lenses with slightly slower maximum apertures.

Specification and Competitor

Max aperture42.082.08
Min aperture161616
Leaf blade101010
Lens Construction3 groups 3 elements4 groups 6 elements4 groups 6 elements
Min distance(m)
Lens length(mm)(*2)109.89.8
Release date2012.42016.92018
*2: Distance from mount surface
*3: Weight of lens only

Reference links

Update history

  • 2024.11.20
  • 2024.03.12:Update article
  • 2022.06.04:First draft

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