HASSELBLAD My lens list

A list of lenses that can be used with the Hasselblad X

Links to review pages for Hasselblad HC, HCD & XCD lenses, and confirmation that the lenses work with the X2D firmware.

Table of contents

HCD lens

HC lens

XCD & V lens

X2D(Farmwear 4.0.0 / 2024.11.7 release)

Lens nameTypeOD*1My lens firmwareEX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCDOD19.1××▲*4▲*4
HCD 4/28HCDOD19.1○*3×
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCDOD19.1×
HC 3.5/35HC9.0×
HC 3.5/50 IIHCOD19.1○*2
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC10.0×
HC 2.8/80HC10.0△*2
HC 2.2/100HCOD19.1○*2
HC 4/120 MacroHC×
HC 4/120 II MacroHCOD19.1▲*2
HC 3.2/150HC10.0△*2
HC 4/210HC12.0△*2
HC 4.5/300HCOD19.1○*2
XCD 4/28PXCD××××
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X2D
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *2: As of 2023.12.01, IBIS must be turned off to use.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.
  • *4:AF cannot be used due to a firmware bug.

X2D(Farmwear 3.1.0 / 2023.12.1 release)

Lens nameTypeOD*1My lens firmwareEX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCDOD19.1××
HCD 4/28HCDOD19.1○*3×
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCDOD19.1×
HC 3.5/35HC9.0×
HC 3.5/50 IIHCOD19.1○*2
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC10.0×
HC 2.8/80HC10.0△*2
HC 2.2/100HCOD19.1○*2
HC 4/120 MacroHC×
HC 4/120 II MacroHCOD19.1▲*2
HC 3.2/150HC10.0△*2
HC 4/210HC12.0△*2
HC 4.5/300HCOD19.1○*2
XCD 4/28PXCD××××
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X2D
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *2: As of 2023.12.01, IBIS must be turned off to use.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.

X2D(Farmwear2.0.0 / 2023.6.1 release)

Lens nameTypeOD*1My lens firmwareEX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCDOD19.1××
HCD 4/28HCDOD19.1○*3×
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCDOD19.1×
HC 3.5/35HC9.0△*2×△*2△*2
HC 3.5/50 IIHCOD19.1○*2
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC10.0△*2×△*2△*2
HC 2.8/80HC10.0△*2△*2△*2△*2
HC 2.2/100HCOD19.1○*2○*2○*2
HC 4/120 MacroHC×
HC 4/120 II MacroHCOD19.1▲*2
HC 3.2/150HC10.0△*2△*2△*2△*2
HC 4/210HC12.0△*2△*2△*2△*2
HC 4.5/300HCOD19.1○*2
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X2D
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *2: As of 2022.12.16, IBIS must be turned off to use.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.

X2D(Farmwear1.1.0 / 2023.2.1 release)

Lens nameTypeOD*1Lens firmwareEX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCDOD19.1××○*2
HCD 4/28HCDOD19.1○*3×○*2
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCDOD19.1×○*2*4○*2*4
HC 3.5/35HC9.0×○*2
HC 3.5/50 IIHCOD19.1*T○*2
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC10.0×○*2○*2
HC 2.8/80HC10.0
HC 2.2/100HCOD19.1
HC 4/120 MacroHC×
HC 4/120 II MacroHCOD19.1▲*2▲*2
HC 3.2/150HC10.0*T○*2
HC 4/210HC12.0*T○*2
HC 4.5/300HCOD19.1○*2○*2
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X2D
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *2: As of 2022.12.16, IBIS must be turned off to use.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.
  • *4: The AF will focus between 35-70mm, but beyond 70mm, the AF will not focus.

X2D(Farmwear1.0.5 / 2022.12.16 release)

Lens nameTypeOD*1EX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCDOD××○*2
HCD 4/28HCDOD○*3×○*2
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCDOD×○*2*4○*2*4
HC 3.5/35HC×○*2
HC 3.5/50 IIHCOD*T○*2
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC×○*2○*2
HC 2.8/80HC
HC 2.2/100HCOD
HC 4/120 MacroHC×
HC 4/120 II MacroHCOD▲*2▲*2
HC 3.2/150HC*T○*2
HC 4/210HC*T○*2
HC 4.5/300HCOD○*2○*2
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X2D
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *2: As of 2022.12.16, IBIS must be turned off to use.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.
  • *4: As of 2022.09.19, there is a problem when using AF.
  • *5: As of 2022.09.19, AF will not focus on 60mm to 90mm

X2D(Farmwear1.0.0 / 2022.9.9 release)

Lens nameTypeOD*1EX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCDOD××○*2○*2
HCD 4/28HCDOD○*3×○*2○*2
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCDOD×○*2*5○*2*5
HC 3.5/35HC×○*2
HC 3.5/50 IIHCOD○*2○*2
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC×○*2○*2
HC 2.8/80HC
HC 2.2/100HCOD
HC 4/120 MacroHC×
HC 4/120 II MacroHCOD▲*2▲*2
HC 3.2/150HC○*2○*2
HC 4/210HC○*2○*2
HC 4.5/300HCOD○*2*4○*2
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X2D
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *2: As of 2022.12.16, IBIS must be turned off to use.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.
  • *4: As of 2022.09.19, there is a problem when using AF.
  • *5: As of 2022.09.19, AF will not focus on 60mm to 90mm


Lens nameTypeOD*1EX13/26/52-HCx1.7 telecon-HCXH-AXH-C08
HCD 4.8/24HCD×
HCD 4/28HCD○*3×
HCD 4.5-5.6/35-90HCD×
HC 3.5/35HC××
HC 3.5/50 IIHC
HC 3.5-4.5/50-110HC××
HC 2.8/80HC×
HC 2.2/100HC
HC 4/120 MacroHC××
HC 3.2/150HC×
HC 4/210HC×
HC 4.5/300HC
XCD 4/21XCD××××
XCD 3.5/45XCD××××
XCD 4/45PXCD××××
Planar 2.8/80-VV××××
List of HASSELBLAD lenses owned and used when using X1D/X1DII
  • ○:Support
  • ×:Not support
  • ▲:AF not support
  • △:My lens is old and not support
  • *1: OD is the lens I own that has the orange dot.
  • *3: EX52 Tube cannot be used.

Update history

  • 2024.11.29
  • 2024.1.26
  • 2023.12.3
  • 2023.6.4
  • 2022.9.28

Affiliate Link



2 Responses

  1. Is this really correct, the HC 120 II was supported including AF on the X2D with firmware 1.X and lost AF support with 2.X?

    Thank you

  2. Dear Christian-san
    I am sorry.
    The AF does not work the HC120II with any of the X series firmware.
    There was an error in the table notation.
    Thank you your pointers.I will try to get it to work.
    I apologize for any confusiin I may have caused you.


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